Nobl Health

Choosing Opportunity- Nobl Hires Chief Nursing Officer

Choosing Opportunity- Nobl Hires Chief Nursing Officer

Recently, a mentor and colleague summarized my 35-year nursing career into a single theme, ”choosing opportunity.” When diagnosed with what could have been a career-ending latex allergy, I chose opportunity and entered a new field as a Magnet Program® consultant and educator. While traveling for Magnet, I met a young technology entrepreneur who soon invited me to join his Florida based start-up...

Increasing Retention Amongst Millennial Nurses with Employee Rounding

Increasing Retention Amongst Millennial Nurses with Employee Rounding

As a new generation of nurses join the healthcare industry, we see that over a quarter (28.9%) of new nurses will leave their position within a year. According to the National Healthcare Retention and RN Staffing Report, 17.2% is the national average nurse turnover rate.

Enhancing the Patient Experience Through Music

Enhancing the Patient Experience Through Music

Music has long been considered a therapy to help behavioral and mental health patients cope with challenges and ease stress. As healthcare continues to makes strides in improving the experience for all patients, clinicians are finding that music can benefit a variety of patient populations in both inpatient and outpatient facilities.

3 Reasons Why Organizations Switch to Digital Documentation of Purposeful Rounds

Purposeful hourly rounding is a care model that organizations utilize all over the world to ensure patients receive timely, consistent, and proactive care.

Gaining Actionable Data from Patient Leader Rounding

Gaining Actionable Data from Patient Leader Rounding

The term “big data” in healthcare has become synonymous with informed decision making. We live in an age where vast amounts of aggregated data and resources are available to key decision makers. Processes like patient leader rounding can provide substantial insight into patient experience, satisfaction, and safety from the data gathered during rounds. But there’s a problem with this data: it can...

Innovations in Telemedicine Help People Regardless of Location

Innovations in Telemedicine Help People Regardless of Location

How can we improve healthcare practices and access to specialists in smaller hospitals and rural areas of our country? Recent innovations in technology have increased access to healthcare professionals for patients thousands of miles away.