Hardwire Your Hourly Rounding Process

The solution to set-up a sustainable and purposeful rounding process.


Analytics that create a team approach to complete rounds

Analytics that create a team approach to complete rounds

Paper or simple EMR checkboxes leave managers with little information about timeliness of rounds. Imagine having access to deeper rounding analytics to use for huddles, unit meetings, and performance improvement initiatives.

Our partners have been able to:

  • Decrease patient falls
  • Reduce the amount of daily call lights
  • Increase real-time rounding documentation

An incredible new way to manage purposeful patient interactions.

Improve the visibility of your rounding process through our interactive custom rounding maps for each unit in your hospital.

  • Hourly or bi-hourly patient rounds
  • Environmental service visits
  • Dining service deliveries  

Nobl Hourly Rounding Map

Client Stories and Featured Resources

Case Study - Featured by The Beryl Institute

Case Study - Featured by The Beryl Institute

Case Study - 45.8% Reduction in Patient Falls

Case Study - 45.8% Reduction in Patient Falls

Improving Hourly Rounding Engagemen

Improving Hourly Rounding Engagemen


Used Today Across A Variety Of Care Settings

Acute Care Hospitals

Academic Medical Centers

Long-term and Rehabilitation Care

Magnet Designated Hospitals