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Nursing Leadership (4)

Nobl and the Advancement of Healthcare IT

Nobl and the Advancement of Healthcare IT

We at Nobl are only a little excited that National Healthcare IT Week has arrived again, because, well, Healthcare IT is what we do best! Aligning ourselves with the many benefits of Healthcare IT outlined by HIMSS, we’ve created a list of ways Nobl's Hourly Rounding and Leader Rounding impact hospitals for the better.

Leading Caring Nurses with Powerful Influence

Leading Caring Nurses with Powerful Influence

A lot has changed in the past 5 years. Pumpkin Spice Lattes have become a staple of autumn, Siri has become the friend we talk to most, IVs and other instruments have become computerized, and the requirements of nursing have increased dramatically—requiring your nurses to be equipped with higher levels of responsibility, accountability, and knowledge.

The Changing Tides of Healthcare and the Effect on Nurses

The Changing Tides of Healthcare and the Effect on Nurses

Ask almost any nurse about why they get out of bed in the morning (or evening), and they’ll probably respond with a variation of the same answer: they love caring for their patients. The very nature of nursing is one of caring, nurturing and being available for patients. However over the past few years, due to the changing tides of healthcare, ever-growing demands have resulted in scores of...