1 min read
Barton Health Client Story: Improving hospitalist communication through digital leader rounding
Nobl Health Sep 19, 2018 7:43:00 AM
In 2017, Lea Albright, Hospitalist Program Manager, needed to impact physician communication and discharge instruction HCAHPS scores. With limited practice by private physicians, the activities of the hospitalists were driving the data. A lack of provider specific patient comments from HCAHPS scores limited buy-in by physician leaders to enforce needed behavior changes to improve communication.
That year, Barton Memorial Hospital partnered with Nobl to implement Nobl Leader, a component of the Nobl Rounding Platform, to efficiently track and analyze leader rounding outcomes throughout the facility. The solution was to use Nobl Leader for both daily nurse leader rounds and hospitalist provider rounds. These rounds would audit communication between patient’s and their physicians.
“We wanted to validate that hospitalists were rounding daily on patients, sitting down to answer their questions, educating and updating the white board with the anticipated date of discharge,” shared Lea Albright.
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Best Practices for Sharing and Reviewing Data from the Nobl Rounding Platform
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