The introduction of an engaged and highly trained Patient Ambassador Rounding Program in the ED 24-hours a day for five days a week produced remarkable improvements in nine survey areas of patient experience in the ED of a large academic medical center.
By tying the encounters in the Nobl Rounding Platform and patient satisfaction data, the patient experience team discovered when looking at the scores for the last 12 months that patients who received a Patient Ambassador round while they were in the ED had a higher score in all nine questions as well as a decrease in complaints and grievances.
The process to creating a transformative process in a hospital through the use of patient ambassadors is visited in this case study. Looking at how patient ambassadors can be used to improve the patient experience and help to improve HCAHPS. See how a Level 1 Trauma facility improves their impression on patients as soon as they step into the facility. Step by step you will be walked through how they worked to create a program that would help them to facilitate their goals and what tools that helped them to achieve these goals. The data collected through the Nobl Rounding Platform in conjuncture with the patient satisfaction scores shows correlations between an integrated rounding platform and patient experience.